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Jun 19, 2018
The prodigal
When my youngest son gets angry, he often gets dramatically pouty. It may start with something as simple as my refusing him one more...

Apr 2, 2018
Happy (2nd) Gotcha Day!
To the baby of the family, Ezzy Bear, Lieutenant Happy Face (more of a reminder to cease complaining than an actual title), Ez, Lil Man,...

Mar 5, 2018
Family Reading Night
At the end of February, I was given the opportunity to speak at a Family Reading Night at my son’s elementary school. I spoke for about...
Aug 23, 2017
Just a regular Wednesday
There are some mornings when it doesn’t pay to get out of bed. Take this morning, for instance. I killed a wasp in my bathroom. Getting...

Jul 4, 2017
Strength to Grow
I’m always surprised at what plant life is capable of. After our week-long vacation at the end of June, we returned home to a veritable...

May 28, 2017
When our Congolese son Ezra came to live with us—me, my husband, our twin daughters, and our older son Knox—he entered a family who...

Mar 23, 2017
One Year
It was April 2, 2016 when Ezra, our Congolese-born son, first stepped foot on American soil. Ezra, my husband Brent, and I were beyond...
Feb 2, 2017
10 months home
When I was in college I went on a couple of mission trips to Romania to teach English using the Bible. Like any overseas trip, it was...

Nov 8, 2016
The barber shop
Today, my son had his second haircut since coming to America. In case you’re keeping score, that’s 7 months living with us and 2 trips to...
Sep 21, 2016
I solemnly swear
Today was a big day for our family. Although our Congolese son has been legally ours for years and he’s been home for nearly 6 months,...
Jun 6, 2016
Our little sponge
Though our African-born son has been in America for only two months, we’re often surprised by the speed he acquires new words and...

Apr 27, 2016
When I tell him about Congo…
When I tell my son of his homeland, I will describe the busy Kinshasa streets—the women with enormous bags, bowls, and boxes easily...

Jan 6, 2015
Happy birthday, buddy
Since it’s already tomorrow in Kinshasa, it’s already our Ezra’s birthday. He’s four now, and four is one of my favorite ages, second...

Oct 17, 2014
We’ve been back from our trip to the Congo for six days. We’ve resumed the routines of work and school and extracurricular activities...
Oct 11, 2014
A 7-hour layover in New Jersey—this is the anticlimactic final chapter to our week in the Congo. It’s not ideal. We’re watching...
Oct 10, 2014
The Best Worst Thing
I’ve only seen Brent cry three times. The first was when he was stressed out and overwhelmed in school. The second was when our girls...
Oct 10, 2014
Our last morning
He’s spooning up his morning tea with a tiny plastic spoon. Drops cover his lap and the concrete floor of our patio. Every few “bites” he...
Oct 8, 2014
Since the beginning of this process, we’ve been told to be very careful when posting pictures of our African son. As this week has...
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