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May 8, 2023
May has got to be the busiest month of the year, at least, it is for me in my current season of life. Graduation parties and wedding...

Dec 30, 2022
Leap of faith
I’m not much of a daredevil. I’ll ride a few roller coasters in the summer and maybe glide on a sled once a year if we get enough snow,...

Oct 4, 2021
Still a shock
Twenty years ago I had the shock of my life. After a year of unsuccessful attempts to have a baby, I had finally seen the coveted two...

Aug 14, 2021
The Invention of the Microwave
When I was 6-years old, my dad bought our family’s first microwave oven. It was a giant behemoth with its own designated piece of...

Jan 31, 2021
Deadly weapon
I’m in the process of teaching our 15-year old son how to drive. Since this is the third kid for me to teach this particular lesson, I...

Sep 23, 2020
Difficult things
This morning, while I was walking my 3rd grade son to school, he asked me the question which I hear nearly every morning: “Why do we have...

Aug 20, 2020
Donut cloud
A few days before we took our twin daughters to different cities to move into their respective college dorm rooms, I found myself in a...

Feb 5, 2020
The last tooth
Our youngest son lost his last tooth today. There was little fanfare, just him showing me a giant-looking molar resting at the bottom of...

Dec 30, 2019
I heard a story on the radio a few months ago about a woman named Maris Blechner. Her first son died just after childbirth, then she...
Nov 4, 2019
Soccer practice
Like a lot of parents, I spend quite a bit of time driving to, sitting during and driving home from ball practice. I could try to figure...

Aug 5, 2019
No more playing
On Saturday, I helped my husband dismantle the wooden play set our kids no longer use. When we first bought it, a dozen years ago, it was...
Apr 1, 2019
Otter moms
My family visited the Monterey Bay Aquarium over Spring Break. It is a beautiful facility right on the bay with a big emphasis on...
Mar 11, 2019
Bike-riding lessons
There are just some things that are hard to teach young children: how to hold a pencil correctly, how to tie their shoes, how to make...
Mar 6, 2019
Greatest Love
I love my 4 kids. I really do. I think they’re charming and delightful. I thoroughly enjoy their adorable personalities and unique...
Dec 4, 2018
Moms in Prayer
On Tuesday mornings, I meet with a few other moms at a church near my youngest son’s elementary school to pray. We start out praising God...
Nov 6, 2018
I like my name. It’s easy to pronounce and spell. When I was growing up, I didn’t know any other girls named “Abby,” so it felt unique...
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