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“If a brown-haired, brown-eyed middle child of average height and intelligence living in the exact geographic center of Middle Tennessee has a story inside of her, then no one is too boring.” This is my mantra.

I love a good story and if you sit with someone long enough, you’re bound to hear one. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been creating stories in my head. I like true stories bound up with history and family lore. I also like tales spun from nothing but an author’s imagination with lands and people unheard of until laid down on paper (or laptop). Whether it’s a fantastic adventure with talking animals and magical beings or a quiet conversation on a dark back porch, there’s a story.

For more than twenty years, I’ve lived in Murfreesboro, Tennessee with my husband and kids. (At this point, most authors’ bios include information about their pets. I, on the other hand, have none so I can’t claim: “She lives with her husband, kids, and three Bullmastiffs—Dickens, Poe, and Twain…” Alas. I may never achieve official author status without them.) When I’m not driving in the soccer carpool or helping with the PTO or rocking babies in the church nursery, I’m writing. It’s my most favorite thing to do and I feel blessed to be able to share my stories with readers.

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