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Apr 7, 2024
What's in a name?
I have a friend who adopted her son after several years of fostering him. She said that when the official court date drew closer, she...

Feb 26, 2024
Not enough
Every six months or so, depending on what’s going on in my life, I have a Knock-Down. If you’re not familiar with the concept, it’s kind...

Jan 7, 2024
With the cold weather in full swing, now is the perfect time for me to spend my evenings crocheting. There’s not much that makes me...

Jan 1, 2024
Drink more water
My New Year’s resolution this year was to drink more water. This is one of those goals that is laughably obvious and somehow difficult at...

Dec 4, 2023
Playing with dolls
Growing up the middle sister of three girls, we had a lot of Barbie dolls. We liked to make haute-couture dresses for them using scraps...

Nov 10, 2023
Blind Spots
One of the scariest parts of teaching someone to drive is sitting in the passenger seat when they’re learning how to change lanes. Once...

Oct 11, 2023
Asking questions
The other day, I heard someone say that Jesus asked 307 questions in the first 4 books of the Bible, but, of the 183 questions he was...

Aug 24, 2023
I’ve been making my way through the Old Testament, and I’ve noticed a phrase which pops up frequently when God is referring to His chosen...

Jul 24, 2023
Looking forward
This may be indicative of my particular personality type, but sometimes I think the expectation of a vacation or other anticipated event...

May 8, 2023
May has got to be the busiest month of the year, at least, it is for me in my current season of life. Graduation parties and wedding...

Feb 26, 2023
You rule
I pass the same Burger King restaurant several times a week, though I’ve never actually eaten there. On my frequent passings, I’ve...

Feb 12, 2023
Kink in my hose
Looking out at the dreary winter landscape that is my backyard in February, I have to rally my senses to look forward to a lovelier...

Dec 30, 2022
Leap of faith
I’m not much of a daredevil. I’ll ride a few roller coasters in the summer and maybe glide on a sled once a year if we get enough snow,...

Oct 31, 2022
Remembering why I'm here
Tell me if this sounds familiar: you buy a ticket for a movie, sit down in the theater, watch a bunch of commercials, followed by a slew...

Aug 9, 2022
Centuries after the trumpet sound had finished echoing off the stones which used to be the walls of Jericho and centuries before King...

Apr 18, 2022
Canopy bed
I always wanted a canopy bed, a canopy bed with a frilly dust ruffle and tons of fabric draping over me as I dreamed perfect, happy...

Mar 19, 2022
Like a child
I work at a preschool a couple of days a week. I know that these kids ranging from one to five-years old will eventually grow up to be...

Dec 22, 2021
Say “You-hoo!”
When our girls were little, one of their favorite games to play was hide-and-seek. They would tell me or my husband Brent to hide our...

Dec 6, 2021
We are the champions
Last weekend, our youngest son’s soccer team played in a tournament in Gatlinburg. Back in August, when they first listed it among the...

Oct 11, 2021
Line of dominoes
A few weeks ago, I heard an unmistakable chirping sound as I walked through the basement to the laundry room. We had recently changed the...
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