Oct 15, 2023Relatively speakingWhile talking to a friend the other day and standing eye-to-eye, I was amazed by how tall I am. With her just barely skimming 5 feet in...
Nov 6, 2022Contrary ContronymsWhen I was growing up, one of my favorite fictional characters was a ditzy maid with a genuine knack for baking named Amelia Bedelia. She...
May 13, 2019100,000 milesAs we were driving to a soccer tournament over the weekend, my husband and I witnessed a (sort of) significant milestone for our family...
Mar 8, 2017FilledI get such satisfaction from a full tank of gas. At the gas pump, I see the numbers whizzing higher, each click tells me that I’ve added...
Feb 2, 201710 months homeWhen I was in college I went on a couple of mission trips to Romania to teach English using the Bible. Like any overseas trip, it was...
Jan 18, 2017AwkwardWhen I was around 6-years old, I would imagine that I had curly blond ringlets and blue eyes (think Cindy Brady). My imagination was so...