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Dec 4, 2017
The day the lights went out
One mid-morning last week the power went out at our house unexpectedly. There were no storms or other obvious reasons for the outage. I...
May 18, 2016
I am everything of all I have ever met
While working on an assignment for school, my daughter found an interesting line of poetry. In her poem “Finding Voice,” Joellen...
Jan 23, 2016
Sharing is Caring
There are a lot of positives to having a baby: the miracle of birth, the revelations about the preciousness of life, the somber bestowing...
Aug 6, 2015
Sharing our Sorrows
I am the queen of strange injuries, allergies, and illnesses. For instance, a few weeks ago, while drying the dishes after my...
May 13, 2015
Caring for the Most Vulnerable
While driving to a doctor’s appointment the other day, I saw a group of cars and pedestrians stopped along a residential street. I looked...
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